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Unit Walkdowns

AMCO performs methodical, on-site evaluations of piping, valves and related equipment to determine their suitability for efficient service. This is not just a physical inspection, but includes multiple phases to ensure an accurate analysis. A unit walk down includes:

  • Becoming familiar with systems and the general facility layout. A review of relevant drawings and documents is required to have a good understanding of specific component needs. Relevant data and component histories are also collected, as well as interviewing unit operators and maintenance staff.

  • Planning walk down routes to achieve as much as possible within a given time and to reduce the disruption of facility operators.

  • Using walk down documentation to identify items to be considered for overall evaluation of system.

  • The physical walk down, which will be performed either on an area-by-area or a system-by-system basis. In addition to performing visual evaluations, we also interview operators, review maintenance records, photographs, etc. to get a thorough understanding of the application.

  • Assessing the walk down. This phase processes all the information collected from the plant walk down so an accurate report can be presented for corrective action.

Review & Assessment of Unit Valve Maintenance

When the full scope of valve and piping systems are understood—from an operational and maintenance standpoint—AMCO will assess the maintenance costs and determine the most economical solution with minimal changes or rework using existing parameters.

Solutions to Problematic Valve Applications

AMCO provides consistent valve solutions for every type of problematic application, from high pressure, high-temperature environments to sub-zero temperatures. Our database library of historical documents can be searched to compare your valve issues to recorded problems in like applications. We offer systems and solutions designed to address problems such as cavitation, flashing, erosion, contaminated fluids, corrosion, high velocity, vibration, noise, energy dissipation and hysteresis.

Valve Supplier Qualification & Certification

Qualifying a potential supplier to determine if they are capable of fulfilling the specified requirement is not solely an auditing process, but rather a quality system in itself for valves and related equipment.

  1. Define and document your requirements. This includes: quality standards as defined by ISO, regulatory agencies and your internal QA standards; delivery; service; and price.

  2. How vendors will meet your requirements. A prospective vendor should supply all information that supports their ability to meet your specified requirements, such as if they are ISO approved, if they can perform seat leakage tests, are their product is fire safe, etc. Administrative information should also be provided, such as key contacts, sales and marketing materials and pricing.

  3. Determine the best potential vendor and perform an on-site audit. Company documentation, standards, manufacturing, QA and QC, shipping and other critical functions should meet or exceed your requirements.

  4. Once a vendor is qualified, periodic reviews or audits should be performed to ensure a consistent supply and that any new requirements are included into their manufacturing pro

Specification Development of On/Off and Control Valves

When specifying valves a functional understanding of the application—and the standards that govern their use—is critical. Often, new companies or an investment firm may not have the design standards for a consistent supply of valves or other equipment.

AMCO writes valve specifications that follow the guidelines from organizations such as:

We work with your operators and engineers to deliver specifications that meet your requirements.

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